Portland Adventures
Spending time with friends outside of teaching has been just what I needed this summer.
As I sat with two of my college friends on a sidewalk curbs, trying to make our Holy Donuts last for as long as possible, I felt so relaxed. My legs sprawled out in front of me, and my phone was tucked somewhere deep in my bag because I didn't feel like checking it.
Earlier that day, Katie had asked me, "What was so hard about this school year?"
And I told her, probably with too much detail, that it felt like everything was so hard. When I get on a roll about the challenges that I struggled to handle this past school year, it can be hard for me to stop.
But, sitting on the curb in that moment, I felt so grateful for this summer. A summer filled with seeing old friends, traveling to new cities, and attending a million weddings to celebrate my friends.
I don't know exactly what I believe in outside of the realm of logic and everyday life, but I do believe something in the universe has our backs, and I truly believe the universe handed me this summer as a way to acknowledge that this school year was hard, but I did it, and I can do whatever comes at me in August, too.
I'm participating in Slice of Life on Two Writing Teachers. https://twowritingteachers.org/2018/07/17/its-slice-of-life-tuesday-4/
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